Wednesday, April 14, 2010

KiltFetish Goes Blue, and Pen Harakiri

Hello, dear reader, and how do we fare today?

Feeling Blue? So is Kilt Fetish - now your bluest site of blue things since that Smurf XXX site got sued into oblivion! If you haven't been abused by reading this fine blog recently, you probably haven't noticed the ongoing battle on the color shceme. This azure version you're being abused with right now is just the latest in a long series of color schemes that I've been experimenting with. White was painful to look at after a while, black screamed 'livejournal!!!', red was an utter failiure and none of the other templates really fit for me. We'll see how long blue keeps.

In other news, my impending failiure from UNM seems to be derailed at least slightly by managing to pass (by the skin of my teeth) yet another exam. This is indeed fortuitous, because had I failed to manage this test I would have been forced to pick one of two pens with which to commit seppuku in order to save face. (For those of you playing at home, that was a joke, about the pens- I was pretty much decided on the black click pen I salvaged from work.)

I'll post later this evening on what ' been keeping me so occupied of late. Till then.

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